
I feel a Construction project coming on .....need to build an adapter for my Yeasu 736R so I can have my Digimodes box and the Main PC to CAT connceted 24/7......and just swap USB connectors at the PC/Laptop end.........


 Installing Starry Nights Pro Plus 6 onto the PC ...... and filtering Dads Chardonney into a Barrel, then Photoshop CS 2 now installed - Thanks Dave :)
followed by the ARRL Exam Review - General Licence....then ESA/ESO/NASA FITS Liberator 3.0.1, Astrometrica, MaxIm DL.Astro Tortillia, Backyard EOS,G8PUT,RegiStax 6.x which Just leaves Skytools 3,Aladin, TinyTrack3 ,Tweetdeck,FoCas, VMA and 9 more Amateur Radio Programs to do!


Well the last of my monthly Astro Journals are now coming by mail since my normal supplier has decided to not carry it anymore, It joins Radcom, QST, Oscar News (AmsatUK) ,Six Meter News,Sky & Telescope, Sky At Night magazine, Trail magazine, Footprints (The Wainwright Soc)and The British Astronomical Journal arriving though the letterbox each month .......


Getting back into Good practices by updating various pieces of Amateur Radio and Astronomical Software on a daily basis  again....... and bloging here  Grins, Already updated my software for digital modes, SatPC 32, G8PUT and Starry Nights Pro Plus  6
Interesting Neil deGrasse Tyson links the Pleiades with the Celtic Samhain (or to most Americans Halloween, He even pronounces it right too!) and other beliefs including Native American Lore in Part 8 of Cosmos 2.0, chuckles I'm sure Fox will getting complaints from the moral minority over that lol. Keep up the good work Neil deGrasse Tyson